Photochromism experiment

ESRs involved: ESR 1: Piotr Kabaciński, ESR 5: Zhengyue Zhang, ESR 8: Mark Stitch, ESR 10: Davide Avagliano

Age recommendation
Appropriate for students over 12

Subject of the experiment
Photochromism, light absorption, fluorescence

60 minutes


Photochromism shows different absorption spectra because of different materials.


  • Understanding the theory of light absorption
  • Understanding the theory of fluorescence
  • Understanding the theory of photochromism
  • Validating light absorption, photochromism from the spiropyran molecules
  • Understanding the application of photochromism


This experiment is set to promote understanding on concepts of light absorption, fluorescence, and photochromism. By implementing the photochemistry experiments in this plan, students can build a bridge between the application and theory of photochromism.