One of the key objectives of the LightDyNAmics training programme is to provide 15 ESRs with unique multidisciplinary and intersectoral training. In recent months three of our ESRs successfully defended their doctoral theses! Maria Elena Castellani (ESR9), Evangelos Balanikas (ESR7) and Davide Avagliano (ESR10) were all successful in their doctoral defenses.
The thesis of Maria Elena Castellani (ESR9), titled “Low-energy electron damage in DNA“, exploits Photo-Electron Spectroscopy (PES) and Photo-Electron Imaging (PEI) to study low-energy electron and photon-driven damage in DNA derivatives.
Evangelos Balanikas (ESR7) describes in his thesis, entitled “Low-energy photoionization of guanine quadruplexes” the low-energy photoionization of DNA guanine quadruplexes (G-quadruplexes) in an aqueous solution.
A third ESR, Davide Avagliano (ESR10), has also successfully defended his thesis which addresses “Simulation of Light-Control DNA Binding and Damage“.
On behalf of the entire LightDyNAmic consortium, we would like to congratulate our three ESRs on their great success. We are more than proud of Maria, Davide and Evangelos and wish them only the best for the future!