The LightDyNAmics training concept includes online modules, one of which are webinares, in which a team of ESRs present either their work or a recently published peer-reviewed paper which is of interest to the network. The aim is to train the presentation skills of the ESRs and share knowledge within the network.

The first of these webinars was held on 23 April 2020 and drew attendance not only from the immediate network but also from other interested scientists and colleagues of the beneficiaries. The webinar was organised by Piotr (ESR1), Davide (ESR10) and Vangelis (ESR7) and supported by James Green from the coordinator’s side. Piotr and Davide both provided an update on their recent research on “excited state deactivation of uridine and 5-methyluridine” and “quinolizidine-spiropyran isomerisaton and G-Quadruplex binding” respectively, while Vangelis provided a review of a recent paper on G-Quadruplexes of broad interest to the network. The webinare was very well by the 44 participants, and we are already looking forward to the next one.